
Critical Illness

Protecting your Business
Critical illness insurance provides cost-effective critical illness protection for key team members/business owners.  It can fund a buy-sell agreement in the event one owner can’t continue in the business due to illness, satisfies the requirements of creditors for business loan protection and mitigates the disruption that can follow the serious illness of a key person, such as reduced productivity or recruiting and retaining replacement, by using the lump-sum as working capital.

Protecting Yourself
We may be fortunate to have a universal healthcare system here in Canada but the mistake many people make is believing that system will cover all the costly treatments, medications, tests and other expenses that you may need to survive a critical illness. The other mistake people make is believing it will never happen to them. With critical illness insurance you can be assured you’ll get the financial support you need to replace a loss of income, to access necessary treatments, and to concentrate on recovery.

Insurance products (including segregated funds) are offered through multiple insurance carriers.

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